Quantitative Data Collection Methods

3 min readJul 2, 2019


Quantitative data are the quantifiable, numerical data which can be processed using Statistical data analysis services principles and number theory. Quantitative data helps produce conclusive evidence for proving or disproving a hypothesis.

Quantitative data collection relies on sampling and structured data collection instruments that help collect information in preordained brackets. These methods give us data that is easy to understand, compare and draw conclusive evidence.

Quantitative research tests hypothesis obtained from theory and estimating results, later carrying out the research. Depending on the question, the researcher collects data on a varied audience to collect first-hand data which will be processed subsequently.

The researcher employs sampling to select the audience who will be the contributors to the data collection. Some quantitative data collection methods offer incentives to the audience to get genuine answers.

Data collection methods

Some of the common used ways to gather knowledge are:

  • Paper questionnaires that area unit sent to an outsized range of potential contributors. The audience fills in their responses and sends it back to the scientist. However, most contributors don’t take such surveys seriously, and also the knowledge obtained isn’t all reliable
  • Internet surveys: This is often a brief survey with multiple alternative questionnaires that area unit prefilled by the scientist. The scientist collects data through multiple alternative queries answered in a very short amount. These questionnaires area unit nonobligatory or click supported what the user selects. These questionnaires appear once a user is browsing on a connected topic.
  • Rating scale: During this technique, the audience is given Associate in Nursing choice to make a choice from a rating scale to rate the merchandise or service. this is often most visible within the service sector, wherever the audience chooses a rating when the service or the merchandise is delivered. This helps the scientist apprehend the response from the audience to the service or product supplier give higher for his or her future audience.
  • Census: Census is massive scale analysis comes that area unit normally undertaken on a company or national level to induce demographic knowledge for process. These conjointly facilitate organisations in business and agriculture.
  • Interviews: these interviews provide the scientist a chance to assemble knowledge directly from the participants. Quantitative interviews facilitate collect first-hand knowledge for process and analysis. There area unit 2 major sections of those interviews:
  1. Personal Interviews: The scientist asks the additional audience inquiries to get minute details out. this may facilitate reclaim knowledge for process.
  2. Telephonic Interviews: Whenever it’s impracticable to satisfy a member of the audience directly, the scientist will decision and collect knowledge through a language on the phone. This helps collect first-hand knowledge.

All this knowledge is then analysed, processed and accustomed create intelligent selections. this is often vastly helpful to business house owners, and also the government to arrange for ensuing amount.

Reference : http://statswork.com/blog/quantitative-data-collection-methods/

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