Qualitative data collection Services from Experts at Stats work
Qualitative data collection Services from Experts at Stats work
Data collection is the process of collecting and measuring information about variables of our interest. Statswork have a team of well-connected executive members across India and globe that is well connected with a variety of professionals and the public to collect the data as per your expectations. At Statswork, we support data collection both online as well as offline. We offer primary data and secondary data collection services for a wide variety of subjects. Since statistical analysis is our main service area, all our executive members are well trained in data collection in each perspective such as how to approach a respondent, how to react during data collection, how to pose a questionnaire and how to note down the collected data without errors and so on. Our expertise are well-versed in various local languages across India and major languages across the globe so that your need for data collection to meet the business or research objectives would be surely met.
There are two types of data collection process that our Statswork expert support such as
- Qualitative data collection
- Quantitative data collection
Qualitative data possess the following features: (i) Deals with descriptions (ii) Data cannot measure numerically
Modes of collecting qualitative data:
- Interview
- Document studies
- Public records
- Personal document